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UK independent developers embrace Xbox 360 Marketplace

Celebrating the launch of the first next-generation games console, UK independent developers, Stainless Games and Pompom Software, announce the debut of two classic games in the Xbox 360 Live Arcade.

Following the sell-out launch of the Xbox 360, UK independent developers Stainless Games and Pompom Software have announced the debut of two classic games in the Xbox 360 Live Arcade.

Described as modern-retro, Mutant Storm Reloaded and Crystal Quest are examples of classic arcade style gameplay from the dawning of the computer gaming age, revamped and re-invented for the current hardware and readily available for an entirely new gaming audience.

Pompom Software's Miles Visman commented: "Never before has a small development company like ours had the opportunity to make a launch title for such a major hardware release. Live Arcade has proved to be the perfect vehicle for a title as intense as Mutant Storm Reloaded and Xbox 360 at launch offers us an audience of the console gaming elite who will now have a chance to play our games for the first time."

"We're investing heavily in Live Arcade, as we see this as a completely new channel to reach what has always been our core audience — hardcore gaming fanatics who know a good game when they see one. Crystal Quest is only the first of a number of titles we'll be releasing on Live Arcade," added Patrick Buckland of Stainless Games.

The Xbox Live Marketplace, incorporating the Xbox Live Arcade, is a key factor in Microsoft's efforts to engage a wider audience than the traditional hardcore gamer. The service enables users to access a growing library of casual, classic re-make and retro arcade games, creating a wealth of opportunities for small, independent developers to reach a substantial new audience. Both Stainless Games and Pompom software have applauded the dedicated support provided by the Xbox Live Arcade team.

Ross Erickson, Xbox Live Arcade games portfolio manager for Microsoft stated: "We're thrilled to have both Pompom and Stainless Games onboard for Xbox Live Arcade on Xbox 360. Mutant Storm Reloaded is an incredible game with fantastic Xbox 360-class visuals but combined with simple pick-up-and-play game mechanics. It hearkens back to the classic arcade model of gaming, but with a next-gen gloss of production and graphics."

"Crystal Quest will be immediately recognizable to anybody who's played the classic that began on the Mac and it has that same addictive quality that the original had. But now, you get the best of both worlds — old school classic, proven gameplay with next generation Xbox 360-quality graphics in high-definition," Erickson concluded.

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