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Ubisoft changed "entire structure" for Assassin's Creed 2

Plus link between next-gen titles will be revealed in PSP game, says Raymond

Patrice Desilet, Ubisoft producer on Assassin's Creed 2, has explained that the sequel to one of the most talked about games in the past year has had the entire mission structure changed for the new game.

Speaking in an interview on the official Ubisoft E3 website, Desilet revealed that there are many more mission types in the game, while the number of missions in total is around 200.

"In Assassin's 1 there were five or six mission types, but this time around there'll be 15 or 16," said Desilet. "With that we construct bigger [missions] because we can start with an escort mission, which then becomes a chase mission, and we finish into an assassination mission - out that together and it creates an entirely different mission.

"We got rid of the entire structure of the first game, where we had the investigation part, then the assassination part - that's gone. Now the world is open, with mission-givers in people you meet. We have around 200 missions now in the entire game - 100 for the main narrative, and 100 on the side."

And executive producer, Jade Raymond, added that the jump between scenarios for the first and second next-gen games will be revealed in the publisher's forthcoming PSP title from the franchise, Bloodlines.

"We've made the link, and really explained that whole back story in the PSP game, so we're making a PSP game which continues Altair's adventures," she said. "In that, if you play that game, you'll understand the link that happens to Assassin's Creed 2 on PS3, 360 and PC."

Both titles are expected to ship towards the end of 2009.

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