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TIGA issues ten-point report on preparing for Brexit

Government must make the "right policy decisions" in wake of referendum

UK trade body TIGA has authored a ten-point report laying out what it believes are the key points of policy for the government in order to ensure the stability and growth of the nation's domestic game development industry in the aftermath of the country's decision to leave the EU.

In the "Brexit: Priorities for the UK Video Games Industry" report, the body urges Theresa May's government to make further tax concessions, as well as ensuring the right to remain of EU workers currently employed by the industry. Education, skills provision and data-protection are also key factors in the plan.

"We must all strive to ensure that the UK survives, revives and thrives outside of the EU," said TIGA CEO Dr. Richard Wilson. "The high technology and creative industries, including the video games sector, can power ahead in a post-BREXIT world - provided that Government takes the right policy decisions and businesses rise to the challenge.

"TIGA's Report sets out a practical, pragmatic and positive agenda for ensuring the UK games sector is a leading player in an industry that is predicted to be worth almost $100 billion by 2018. If the UK creates a favourable tax environment with an enhanced Games Tax Relief and R&D Tax Credit, increases availability of finance and improves access to talent, then the UK video games industry has everything to play for."

The so-called Brexit decision has been met with grave concerns by many sectors of UK industry, with games being no exception. Many feel that the inevitable uncertainty surrounding the ramifications of the decision, and the weaker negotiating position it puts the UK in with regard to one of its largest markets, will have a punitive effect on the production and distribution of games and other digital media.

More details on TIGA's report can be found here.

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