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TIGA calls on Scottish Government to create developer fund

Creative Content Fund would help form new studios and build original IPs

TIGA has asked that the Scottish Government investigate the creation of a Creative Content Fund to help Scottish developers.

"The Westminster Coalition Government is failing to invest in the Scottish and UK game development sector," said TIGA CEO Dr Richard Wilson.

"The Scottish Government now has the chance to show decisive leadership in support of the video games industry by adopting TIGA's proposal for a Creative Content Fund.

The fund would be designed to offer up £100,000 investment to developers for new projects, and recoup the money once those projects were making significant revenue. The fund would only apply to games where the developer owned the IP.

"TIGA's proposed CCF would improve developers' access to finance, stimulate original IP generation and promote studio growth," added Wilson.

"It would enhance the independence of developers and strengthen the prospects for the expansion of the Scottish video games industry."

The CCF would address the issue of funding for Scottish developers. According to a TIGA survey, 58 per cent them say that lack of finance was a major issue that was holding back their business.

"A Creative Content Fund would be extremely useful to Scottish developers who are looking to get innovative gaming ideas off the ground," agreed Brian NcNicoll of Dynamo Games.

"At the moment there is definitely a funding gap for a new own-IP projects and this would help provide a solution to this problem."

Edinburgh Napier and Abertay universities have also leant their support to the proposal.

Earlier this month released the results of its annual survey, which showed that 74 per cent of developers wanted to see tax breaks for the industry.

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Rachel Weber: Rachel Weber has been with GamesIndustry since 2011 and specialises in news-writing and investigative journalism. She has more than five years of consumer experience, having previously worked for Future Publishing in the UK.