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PS3 closes in on Japanese Wii sales

Sony's console sales are beginning to catch up to it rival Nintendo's in the region but still have some way to go

Sony's PlayStation 3 Japanese console sales showed signs of catching up to those of the Nintendo Wii in June, according to the magazine publisher Enterbrain, as reported by Reuters.

The Wii still managed to outsell the PS3 by 1.7 to 1, putting it at the top of Japanese hardware sales for a seventh consecutive month, but the ratio has fallen significantly since the 6-to-1 lead the Wii had the month before.

The past few months have seen the PS3 reap the benefits of a number of high profile titles not available to the Wii that may have boosted console sales, including Grand Theft Auto IV and the PS3-exclusive title Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.

According to Enterbrain, Nintendo Sold 235,990 Wii units of in the five weeks ended June 29, while Sony sold 139,494 PS3 console units.

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