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The Chronicles of Spellborn

Citadel of Ail screenshots released for your scrutiny.

The Hague, 2008/12/18: Spellborn NV, developer of the MMORPG The Chronicles of Spellborn®, releases today new Screenshots about one of the instances of the game: The Citadel of Ail.

Located in the former lush Green District of Quarterstone, the building was the main Rune University, but was also used for experimental research on the various effects of magic and minerals.

Although certain parts of these experiments were conducted in total secrecy, everything was later exposed during what was called the Arcane Surge in 994 AC (After Collapse).

The Arcane Surge was a blast of rogue magic that shot forth from the Citadel of Ail and destroyed everything in its path killing hundreds. But it was the aftermath that proved even more deadly. The explosion deposited Arcane Infused Ore Residue – also known as AIOR – all over Green District, causing the first signs of the Tempest Disease to emerge.

Adventurers of The Chronicles of Spellborn® will be able to venture forth in the Citadel ruins and try to discover what precisely happened.

The instance is designed to accommodate a group of four players of Fame Level 30.

To illustrate the Citadel of Ail, the developer, Spellborn®, releases today screenshots of the interior of the Instance, showcasing its AIOR infected inhabitants, the Shunned, which can be found on the official website of The Chronicles of Spellborn®,id157,patch_1_0_1_screenshots_citadel_ail.html

In addition, an extra lore and gameplay article featuring exclusive artworks and sketches was released yesterday, shedding more light on the background history of the Citadel and on the encounters and bosses that are awaiting the players.

The article and its artworks can be found at the following address on The Chronicles of Spellborn® official site:,120,citadel_ail.html

MMO Players can still download the Full Client of The Chronicles of Spellborn for FREE to experience its unique combat system and immersive environments at the following address:

What Lies Hidden, Must Be Found

In The Chronicles of Spellborn® players enter an impressive online game world containing scenic landscapes, majestic cities and the remnants of a shattered world. Alone or with a party of friends, PC adventurers step into a fantasy realm consisting of varied shards: habitable pieces of the destroyed world floating in the magical Deadspell Storm. Those who want to prevail in the actively involving combat of The Chronicles of Spellborn® need to apply their mighty arsenal of skills with actual manual aiming skills. Battles with bloodthirsty creatures, intelligent hostile factions and other human opponents in Player vs. Player battles are waiting. An innovative and tactically challenging combat system with third-person shooter-like controls and a unique rotating Skill Deck provides a breath of fresh air amidst the more traditional MMORPGs. Thanks to a largely extended Unreal Engine 2.5, The Chronicles of Spellborn® boasts stunning 3D graphics, spectacular effects and countless elaborate details. More information, images, videos and a beta registration-form can be found on the official website:

About Spellborn NV

Since the founding of the company in 2004, Spellborn NV has focused on the single goal of developing an innovative Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG): The Chronicles of Spellborn®. Privately owned and operated, Spellborn NV's is an independant studio based in The Hague, The Netherlands. The multinational development team is made up of experienced professionals from the game development industry as well as specialists in the many other disciplines required to release a game of this scope. The team is bound by a collective desire to break conventions on the way to developing a revolutionary title.


Spellborn NV

Pierre-Yves Deslandes

PR Manager

Gevers Deynootweg 93

NL-2586 BK Den Haag

The Netherlands

Phone +31 (70) 3389104

Fax +31 (70) 3389106


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