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Super Smash Bros takes Japanese top spot

Nintendo and Bungie take first, second and third on software chart

The combined might of Nintendo and Bungie has helped dislodge the stubborn Yokai Watch 2 from the top of the charts. Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS is the new number one with the PlayStation versions of Destiny taking second and third place. Combined the PlayStation version of the space shooter sold 140,780 units.

  1. [3DS] Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS - 944,644 (New entry)
  2. [PS4] Destiny - 91,277 (New entry)
  3. [PS3] Destiny - 49,503 (New entry)
  4. [3DS] Yokai Watch 2: Ganso / Honke - 47,065 (Lifetime sales - 2,469,211)
  5. [PS3] Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution - 40,180 (New entry)

In hardware PlayStation 4 saw a significant boost to sales, selling more than 16,000 units more than last week. 3DS XL stayed top though and also saw a rise in sales.

  1. 3DS XL - 31,602 (Last week - 23,624)
  2. PlayStation 4 - 23,623 (7,299)
  3. PlayStation Vita - 12,331 (14,441)
  4. 3DS - 7,967 (5,931)
  5. Wii U - 7,062 (7,349)
  6. PlayStation 3 - 6,083 (6,139)
  7. Xbox One - 3,015 (25,674)
  8. PlayStation Vita TV - 817 (910)
  9. PSP - 101 (288)
  10. Xbox 360 - 96 (126)

Charts collated by Media Create and published by Gematsu.

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Rachel Weber is the Managing Editor of, and regular contributor to
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