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Study predicts US social game market to grow to $1 billion

Virtual goods and ad spend on the up as more users log on

A study from research group eMarketer has predicted that the value of the US social gaming market will rise above $1 billion in 2011, thanks to increasing numbers of users and healthy ad budgets.

The study, which has yet to be published in full, says that virtual goods are still the biggest profit driver for social games, but ad spends are likely to increase as much as 60 per cent over the next year, bringing total US ad revenues to $192 million.

62 million users are expected to play at least one social game a month in the US alone this year, an increase of nine million on figures from last year.

"Forecasts of audience and revenue growth present an opportunity for marketers to promote their brands through social games," said report author Paul Verna.

Last year, an estimated $856 million was made via virtual goods and advertising in social games in the USA.

Via Reuters.

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