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Stick 'Em Up

New Xbox Live Indie game light on graphics, heavy on gameplay.

Stick 'Em Up is a kick-ass new run'n'gun adventure from Whatever Games. It features 1-4 player co-op action, with three different vehicles to drive and pilot, and a selection of distinctive weapons to use. The graphics have a retro vector style, but the gameplay is fully up-to-date, with realistic physics and great controls.

There are also player-versus-player deathmatch and team deathmatch modes for when cooperation isn't what you have in mind.

Stick 'Em Up is available now on Xbox Live Indie Games for 240 MS Points ($3.00 / 2,79 / £2.04).

About Whatever Games

Whatever Games is a new independent superstudio amalgamated in Voltron-esque fashion from indie developers WickedWorx and JJCgames. The founders are both called Jon. Yes, it's confusing.


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