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Special Effect launches crowdfunding drive

Campaign to purchase eye-controlled input device hits gambitious

UK gaming charity Special Effect has launched a crowdfunding scheme to purchase an eye-controlled gaming input device to further its work with disabled children.

The target of £5950 (€6955, $9190) will enable the organisation to buy an Eye Control unit, enabling kids with debilitating physical conditions to play and enjoy games, helping with coordination, self-esteem and quality of life. Any excess funding will go towards the purchase of a second unit.

"We set up, create, lend and support the use of specialist games controllers from our library of equipment," said Special Effect founder Dr Mick Donegan. "Everyone we work with is different. Some of the people we work with find it difficult or impossible to control parts of their body other than their eyes. In these instances we use computers which are controlled just by moving your eyes."

"The demand for this work is growing all the time, so we are asking the gaming community, who have always been enormously supportive of our work, to help SpecialEffect through crowdfunding. The PLAYING WITH YOUR EYES project will help us meet this growing demand and enable us to purchase this very special piece of eye-controlled equipment in order to reach and help more and more people with disabilities to play games."

The campaign launched via Gambitious at 10am this morning and runs for 30 days. For more information on Special Effect's work, visit the team's website or its stand at the forthcoming Eurogamer Expo.

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