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Sony: UK price hike won't effect PS3

Plan to offset losses caused by the region's currency devaluation not to effect the home console

Sony has revealed that its plan to raise prices on UK products, in order to offset losses form the falling value of the pound, will not effect the PlayStation 3.

A spokesperson for the electronics giant had told The Telegraph that it would have to start charging as much as a third more on the price of its products. However, the company recently told that this would not effect the price of the PlayStation 3.

"Sony UK can confirm that in the past 48 hours it has communicated to its trade channel that due to adverse changes in the Yen/Euro & Euro/Pound exchange rate over the last six months, and with this uncertainty set to continue into 2009, Sony will increase the trade price of a number of products over the coming months," said a Sony representative.

"The precise level of price increases has not yet been agreed, but it is likely that the vast majority of products affected will see increases of significantly less than 33 per cent. As these testing trading conditions continue, Sony does not believe that it will be alone in taking this form of action."

Rumours of a potential price cut for the console surfaced last week after the company's annual staff briefing in London, however, Sony refused to comment on the speculation.

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