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Sony to target tweens in new PSP campaign

New website to create online community for 8 to 15 year olds

Sony is to target 8 to 15 year olds in an online marketing push to increase the demographic appeal of the PSP, as part of its "Your Whole World In Your Hands" campaign.

A beta of website has already launched and is currently focused on uploading and sharing images in a 3D gallery. Various competitions are also featured, the current one featuring links to user-created YouTube content.

"PSP is going for a younger market, which isn’t something we’ve really done before," said UK product manager Claire Backhouse in comments to marketing website NewMediaAge.

"Our heartland is 16-24-year-old men and always will be — they won’t be neglected in the slightest. But the summer’s game releases, such as Harry Potter and Petz, as well as the launch of the new colours, are certainly appealing to an 8-15-year-old audience."

A new competition in the summer will feature a prize of a family holiday abroad, with Sony looking to host the competition on other child-friendly websites such as Jetix and Disney.

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