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Sony to release Patapon 2 as download exclusive

PSP sequel will be released without physical UMD media as a "test case"

Confirming earlier online rumours, Sony Computer Entertainment of America senior director of corporate communications Patrick Seybold has stated that that the upcoming PlayStation Portable title Patapon 2 will be sold in a digital format.

In a statement received by, Seybold called the release a "one time test case as we continue to explore consumer preference for digital content."

Seybold also solidified Sony's continued support of the UMD format, stating that "We remain focused on providing superior games and entertainment experiences in both the UMD and digital formats and are working closely with our partners to deliver the best PSP line up in our history."

Several people, including Acclaim's David Perry, have theorised that this "test case" may solidify previous rumours that Sony's next portable gaming device may not include a UMD drive, relying exclusively on digital delivery.

Patapon 2 will be released on May 5, as a retail download voucher and digitally through the PlayStation Store.

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