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Sony highlights software exclusives in NPD response

Promises "a relentless string of AAA games" in the near future

Sony Computer Entertainment of America senior director of corporate communications Patrick Seybold has issued an official reaction to this month's NPD results, highlighting the three PlayStation 3 titles included in the top ten, upcoming Sony platform exclusive titles, and preliminary sales numbers following a price reduction for the PlayStation 2.

"March proved an exceptional month for software sales with three major PS3 titles ranking in NPD’s top ten list, including Resident Evil 5 and two of our highly rated PS3 exclusives, MLB'09 The Show and Killzone 2," said Seybold.

The response also revealed that MLB'09 The Show, Sony's exclusive Major League Baseball game, saw a 45 per cent sales increase over last year's version of the title.

Seybold's statement also looked to the future, promising a "relentless string of AAA games" that include upcoming PS3 shooter MAG and RockBand Unplugged, an exclusive entry into the rhythm game franchise coming exclusively to the PlayStation Portable.

Also highlighted in the response was "exciting preliminary numbers" for sales of the company's legacy PlayStation 2 console, which had a price reduction to USD 99.99 on April 1. NPD analyst Anita Frazier echoed this in an earlier statement, saying that the group "would expect to see an increase in PS2 hardware sell-through in the April data."

"We’ve got a confident plan ahead and have many cards yet to deal, so consumers can rest assured there’s a lot to look forward to from PlayStation this new fiscal year," Seybold's response concluded.

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