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Sony exec hints at PS3 software pricing

Kaz Hirai, president of Sony Computer Entertainment America, has hinted at the company's software pricing strategy for the PS3, suggesting games could be more expensive than Xbox 360 titles.

Kaz Hirai, president of Sony Computer Entertainment America, has hinted at the company's software pricing strategy for the PS3, suggesting games could be more expensive than Xbox 360 titles.

In a recent interview with US consumer magazine PSM, Hirai was quizzed on the price point for Sony's next-gen software in comparison to the current retail cost of games on Microsoft's Xbox 360.

"Generally speaking, over the past twelve years or so, there has been a consumer expectation that disc based games are maybe US$ 59 on the high end to US$ 39 on the low end," Hirai stated.

"So, what I can say now is, I think it would be a bit of a stretch to think that we could suddenly turn around and say âPS3 games now US$ 99.99â."

Although there were no direct figures quoted, Hirai went on to say that Sony will be making its next-gen software "as affordable as possible," but suggested costs could rise from what consumers are currently paying.

"If it becomes a bit higher than US$ 59, don't ding me, but, again, I don't expect it to be US$ 100," he concluded.

Sony has already come under heavy fire for its pricing strategy on the PS3 console itself, which will retail for US$/Euro 499-599, with two SKUs available from launch.

UK consumers are getting a slightly rougher deal however, with the machine costing GBP 425 when it reaches stores, despite a direct Euro conversion coming in at the marginally lower price of around GBP 405.

There appears to be little correlation between US and UK software prices either, with Xbox 360 titles currently selling for between GBP 44.99-49.99 in the UK, which could mean a price point of around GBP 70 or more for games on Sony's console.

Of course, the software pricing is mere speculation at the moment, and is unlikely to be officially confirmed by the company until much closer to the anticipated November launch of the PlayStation 3.

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