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Slim PS3 could come with 250GB hard drive

Legal filing uncovers new model, while Sony confirms slimmer console will not be compatible with PS2 games

Sony could be lining up a 250GB model of its new slim PlayStation 3 which will be sold alongside the 120GB version, according to a legal filing,

The filing, reported by PS3 News, was made with the Federal Communications Commission back in May and lists four new PlayStation 3 models - two test versions and two production ones with 120GB and 250GB hard drives.

At this stage, all the move suggests is that Sony has submitted both console types for tests on its Bluetooth and Wi-fi equipment - a premium model is yet to be confirmed by the company.

What it has confirmed however, is that it won't be reinstating PlayStation 2 backwards compatibility into the new slim PlayStation 3 - that's "off the table" according to SCEA's John Koller.

People buy the console to play PlayStation 3 games, he told Kotaku. "Now that we're at a point where we're three years into the life cycle of the PS3, there are so many disc-based games that are available that we think - and noticed this from our research - that most consumers that are purchasing the PS3 cite PS3 games as a primary [reason].

"And it's not just like 50 or 60 percent. It's well into the 80 or 90 percentile range..." Koller continued. "Most of those are consumers who have not utilised their PS2 for a little while and they're ready to jump into the PlayStation 3."

Koller also confirmed he expects the slim PlayStation 3 to replace the original model in fairly short order. The 80GB SKU will disappear next month, he said, although 160GB PS3s might stay on shop shelves a little longer.

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