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Sky TV "exploring" console use

Director of Sky's on-demand service, Griff Parry, says consoles are an "interesting opportunity"

Sky's director of on-demand, Griff Parry, has said that the company is looking to use consoles as an opportunity to expand its audience, describing the gaming platforms as an "interesting opportunity".

When asked if Sky's PC based streaming service, Sky Player, could see itself being ported onto consoles, Parry told TechRadar that there were significant DRM challenges but the company was looking into it.

"Currently consoles like the PlayStation 3 won't play the Sky Player because of the way we protect the content [through Microsoft's Silverlight]; so the PS3 wouldn't be able to cope with the DRM," said Parry.

"However, I think games consoles are an interesting opportunity and it is something that we are exploring."

"We have a relationship with PlayStation because we launched the PSP service (GoView) so I look at consoles, and there are a lot of them, and they are obviously connected to televisions and the internet," Parry added.

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