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SimCity servers struggle with launch

Users unable to download game on release, 30 minute queues to play

The US launch of EA's SimCity has hit problems as its digital distribution platform Origin struggled to cope with demand, stopping users from downloading their digitally purchased copies and preventing those who own physical copies from unlocking them.

"We are still in the process of delivering SimCity to some US customers, but the majority has been fulfilled," Marcel Hatam, global community manager, told Polygon via Twitter. Meanwhile the official Origin Twitter account has been keeping the frustrated city planners updated on progress.

"We are continuing to distribute SimCity as quickly as possible. You should receive your game within the next one and a half hours."

Both digital and retail copies of the game seem to be affected, judging by user reports, with the problems caused by the awkward combination of server capacity, the inability to "pre-load" the game before it was released, and the game's need for a constant internet connection.

Even now gamers in American are reporting 30 minute queues to join the servers that will allow them to play the single player game, inviting comparisons with that other recent high profile launch dogged by DRM issues, Diablo III.

The game is due for release in the UK on Friday.

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Rachel Weber is the Managing Editor of, and regular contributor to
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