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SCi reports record turnover for first half

UK-based publisher SCi has announced its results for the first half of fiscal 2003, revealing record turnover of £7.3 million and significantly lower than expected losses - with a strong development schedule pointing to further growth.

UK-based publisher SCi has announced its results for the first half of fiscal 2003, revealing record turnover of £7.3 million and significantly lower than expected losses - with a strong development schedule pointing to further growth.

That turnover figure represents 22 per cent growth over last years figure, while pre-tax losses stood at £0.8 million - well below the original forecast for the half, which was approximately £4 million. The publisher now has a cash balance of £2.8 million going forwards.

Conflict Desert Storm continues to be SCi's break-out success, with the game - developed by Bath-based Pivotal - now having sold 1.5 million units. A sequel to the title, Conflict Desert Storm 2 (whose US subtitle, "Back to Baghdad", caused a bit of a stir at E3 and will not be appearing on the game in Europe), is on track for its forecast release date later this year.

The rest of the company's development line-up is also on schedule, with The Great Escape and licensed title Futurama both meeting their deadlines. The publisher also recently acquired Rolling, a Tony Hawk style skating title which was in development at Rage prior to its demise, and will be released in 2004.

"Continued strong sales in the first six months leave us ahead of our original expectations," commented SCi chief executive Jane Cavanagh. "The prospects for meeting our expectations for the 2003 financial year are very encouraging. These excellent results validate SCi's strategy and its unique business model."

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Rob Fahey: Rob Fahey is a former editor of who spent several years living in Japan and probably still has a mint condition Dreamcast Samba de Amigo set.