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Research shows growing videogame popularity in Europe

A survey by the ISFE reveals the attitude and trends towards gaming from Europeans between the ages of 16 and 49

The Interactive Software Federation of Europe has revealed research on the trends of European gamers.

The research, conducted across 15 markets with people between the ages of 16 and 49, found that videogames were among the top leisure activities for Europeans.

40 per cent of those asked said they played videogames between 6 -14 hours a week. 72 per cent play videogames for fun, 57 per cent play to stimulate the imagination and 45 per cent said gaming makes them think.

The research also revealed that 81 per cent of gamers with children play games with them, and more than half of gaming parents monitor what their children play.

Furthermore, the survey pointed out that the majority of those asked who didn't play games cited lack of time as the reason rather than any anti-videogame sentiment.

"Our research findings cement what those who work in the industry understand as a given, namely that videogames hold a recognised place in today's entertainment culture. The people that are videogaming today are of all ages, of both genders and of all nationalities," said Jens Uwe Intat, chairman of the ISFE board.

"As an industry, we offer a huge variety of entertainment choices for all tastes and skill levels, and adult tax payers, grandparents and kids alike are playing in the way that suits them best," he added.

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