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Reports indicate Half-Life 2 script leak

According to unconfirmed reports which emerged last night, developer Valve has been hit by another embarrassing leak - with the complete script to Half-Life 2, including the "surprising" ending, being released on the web.

According to unconfirmed reports which emerged last night, developer Valve has been hit by another embarrassing leak - with the complete script to Half-Life 2, including the "surprising" ending, being released on the web.

While this leak - which has not yet been confirmed by Valve - is by no means as serious as previous incidents which saw the source code for the engine and an incomplete early build of the game itself finding their way online, the manner in which it happened will undoubtedly cause red faces at the company.

Reports indicate that the developer actually distributed the script over the Steam distribution network by accident, with the inclusion of a file - intended for captioning purposes in the game - in one of the preview builds of Counter-Strike: Source which have been made available in the past week.

Of course, the question of who would actually want to read the script for the game remains to be answered; it seems to us like an excellent way to ruin the experience of actually playing the hugely anticipated game.

The first assets for the Half-Life 2 launch are expected to be pre-loaded onto the Steam network in the next 24 hours, with the release date of the game - as yet unconfirmed - thought to be only a few weeks away.

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Rob Fahey: Rob Fahey is a former editor of who spent several years living in Japan and probably still has a mint condition Dreamcast Samba de Amigo set.