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RedSix founded in London by Lift, SCEE, Rare veterans

Mike Rouse, Jonathan Venables and James Ackroyd open mobile-focused outfit

London finds itself the home of a fresh new mobile and tablet focused developer this morning, as James Ackroyd, Jonathan Venables and Mike Rouse announce the formation of RedSix Interactive Entertainment, with first title Coin Op Heroes 2 already well under way. The team officially formed in January, operating under the radar until now.

Between them, the three founders have a great deal of experience, with Rouse and Venables both having most recently been founding directors at Microsoft's London incubator Lift. Prior to Lift, the pair worked together at SCEE, as development and art directors respectively. Ackroyd was the software director at another Microsoft outfit: Rare.

Although the three are console specialists, the burgeoning mobile and tablet market has given them the opportunity to work as a smaller, self-contained team.

"After many years in the games industry, working alongside some of the most inspiring figures in the field, we are excited to set out on this new journey," said Rouse. "RedSix will create and bring to market the highest quality gaming experiences, focused on new IPs, across tablet, mobile and future gaming platforms."

"At RedSix we will create games that are full of characters living in worlds you can immerse yourself in," added Jonathan Venables. "We are currently developing two very different games: the first is 2D, the second is 3D. Whilst very different, they both have a recognizable and distinctive style. With this approach we will bring character led personality to all of our games."

CTO Ackroyd says the team is looking to grow, building a skill base to take on new challenges. "Our first goal is to attract talent and grow the team to share this journey with. We are looking forward to working with both old friends and new talent."

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