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Quality index

Top-scoring iOS titles revealed.

London, UK - 2nd March 2011 - Steel Media Ltd

If you were wondering what the best reviewed iPhone games and apps on the web last month were, here's the  Quality Index  ( Qi) round-up for February to fill you in. boasts over 45,000 scores from the world's best websites such as  148AppsPocket Gamer, and  AppSpy, and uses a unique metric to create a single definitive score for each iPhone title.

Here are  February 2011's top selections...

Quality Index  Top 10 iPhone games February 2011

  GAME NAME PUBLISHER Qi 1   Speedball 2 Evolution         Tower Studios 8.9 2   Tiny Wings   Andreas Illiger 8.8 3   NBA Jam   Electronic Arts 8.6 4   Starfront: Collision   Gameloft 8.6 5   Karoshi   YoYo Games 8.5 6   League of Evil   Ravenous Games 8.3 7   JellyCar 3   Disney 8.3 8   Egg vs. Chicken                           PlayFirst 8.3 9   Sky Combat   Chillingo 8.2 10   Puckerz!   Groundbreaking Games      8.1  

Quality Index  Top 10 iPhone apps to February 2011

  APP NAME PUBLISHER Qi 1   Upload to Twitpic   blank                                  10 2   GPS Kit   Garafa 9.6 3   OPlayer   olimsoft 9.6 4   Photo Transfer App   Enrique Rodriguez 9.6 5   GoTasks   Evgeniy Shurakov 9.5 6   Camera+   tap tap tap 9.4 7   MindSnacks Spanish   MindSnacks 9.3 8   Canned   Sky Balloon 9.2 9   Facemakr - Avatar Creator Pro   Dadako Studios 9.1 10   EQu - the quality equalizer   elephantcandy 9.1  

(N.B. The monthly games chart is based on titles released and reviewed in the last month. The apps chart is based on titles released and reviewed over the last three months. Hence, this is not a cumulative chart and earlier released titles may have higher scores.)

21 years after brutally slamming onto the Atari, Speedball 2 has evolved into a touchscreen-friendly, Bluetooth-multiplayer ratings winner. Tower Studios's futuristic baller managed to barge 2011's first breakout hit Tiny Wings into runner-up spot in February, and shoulder bump EA's NBA Jam into third. Gameloft's experiment with the freemium business model, meanwhile, paid dividends, as Starfront: Collision battled in real-time to secure a high ranking place 

on the Quality Index chart.

The rise and rise of Twitter has spawned a multitude of iPhone apps that plug into the microblogging service: the current critical darling is Upload to Twitpic, which is three parts instruction, one part moniker. And on the subject of photographs, not one, but three image-manipulating / correcting / piping tools flashed into view on Qi this month: Facemakr, Camera+, and Photo Transfer App helping those with a certain creative flair indulge their passion wherever and whenever.

We'll continue to provide an updated listing each and every month, together with a round-up of the year. For all the up-to-date information on which games, apps, and publishers are reviewing best, head on over to the  Quality Index now.

Know of a great reviews site that should be included?

If you own or know a reputable apps review site that should be added to the  Quality Index, then pop along to our instructions for  getting listed.


Notes to editors:

About Steel Media

Steel Media is a leading mobile consumer technology publisher based in the UK. With a team boasting over 50 years of experience in consumer and contract publishing, the company currently publishes Europe's biggest mobile and handheld gaming website, the leading mobile games industry portal and consumer friendly mobile entertainment site Steel Media also runs the  iPhone Alliance and Smartphone Alliance advertising networks, syndicates content to mobile operators and handset manufacturers and provides a range of editorial, design and other contract publishing services to a number of leading blue chip brands.

For further information on the Pocket Gamer network or Steel Media, contact MD  Chris James  

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