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PSN average user age is 28 in the US

Main demographic is also well-off, and likely to have a girlfriend or wife as well

New details on the primary audience for the PlayStation Network in the US has revealed that the average user is 28 years old and is likely to be in the "middle- to higher-income range".

That's according to Eric Lempel, director of PSN operations at SCEA, who also told that it's also likely that user has a wife or girlfriend, judging by the top video sales and rentals.

"Right now, [the user base is] primarily male," he said in an interview. "The average age is 28 years old, in usually the middle- to higher-income range. They over-index against those with graduate degrees. But it's expanding.

"What we're finding ever since we've introduced services like the video download service, we're getting more of the household on the PlayStation Network.

"Some of the top rentals and sales on the video side have been content that probably doesn't appeal exactly to that 28-year-old male. It's more those movies that are geared toward women."

The interview also revealed that the service currently had 12.5 million active accounts in the US - a number that the corporation will hope to see jump significantly if the new PlayStation 3 Slim has a strong effect on sales.

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