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PS3 price cut to yield "huge amount of growth" in next 3 months

SCEE president is sure that new price points bring "better value proposition"

Sony Computer Entertainment Europe president Andrew House has told that he's sure the next three months will see "a huge amount of growth for the business" as a result of the price cut for the PlayStation 3.

The cut, announced at Gamescom last week brings the corporation's flagship console down to EUR 299 / USD 299 / GBP 249, and he believes this is a sign of the PlayStation division delivering on "the Sony promise".

"I think what I've heard anecdotally is that this is the point people were waiting for - a redesigned model and, in Euros, a significant price reduction," he explained. "That's people's cue to jump into the business.

"I think as well that the pleasing thing when I look at the European landscape is that this is coming on what was already pretty robust sales, year-on-year. Even at the higher price point our PS3 numbers have been bang on track through this year, against a challenging economic environment.

"So I think we feel this can only mean a huge amount of growth for the business, particularly in the next three months. It's an exciting time, and it's great for us to be able to continue to deliver on the Sony promise - evolving, changing and hopefully delivering a better value proposition to the consumer."

The full interview with Andrew House is available on now.

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