PlayStation 4 interest ahead in survey, Wii U trailing behind
Sony's console is riding high in surveys, but will that translate to sales?
Gamer interest in Sony PlayStation 4 is ahead of the Microsoft Xbox One this holiday season, but the Wii U is at the bottom of the barrel. Intergi Entertainment asked over 5,000 players which console they were planning on buying soon. 58 percent said they were planning on purchasing a PlayStation 4, while 39 percent are looking to buy the Xbox One. The Wii U was on the holiday shopping list of only 1 percent of gamers.

In fact, the PlayStation 4 leads most of the survey. 62 percent prefer the PlayStation 4's console design, 51 percent think the Dual Shock 4 touch pad is the best controller innovation, and 50 percent think the PlayStation 4's game library is the best. The Xbox One's console design appeals to 36 percent of respondents, 35 percent believe the X1 controller's Rumble Triggers are the best innovation, and 48 percent dig the game library. At the end is the Wii U: 1 percent like the console's design, 14 percent think the Wii U GamePad is innovative, and 2 percent think Nintendo's games lineup is great.
For those planning to buy an Xbox One, Dead Rising 3 and Forza 5 are the most wanted exclusives with 35 percent and 26 percent respectively. On the PlayStation 4, 52 percent want to buy Killzone Shadow Fall and 20 percent are planning to purchase the recently-delayed Drive Club.