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Ferrago's site gets a new coat of paint plus inline videos.

LONDON - 1 October 2008 - Ferrago Ltd, publisher of, one of the UK's leading games websites, are proud to announce the roll-out of a glossy new look this week, and an array of new features that users have been asking for - and few pleasant surprises as well.

Not only does the new-look glisten like the sixth iteration of anything probably should, but it also ushers in new features and and an improved experience for users. New community features let players interact with each other, and the site's content, far more than ever before. New profile sections, universal commenting, forums and more look set to go down a treat with regular users.

The experience just got a whole-lot richer as well, thanks to the addition of HD videos, and an even more graphically-intense overall look. A brand new, Web 2.0-bating tagging system will also make all the award-winning content already on offer easier to navigate, and will allow players to explore interesting niches far more quickly.

"With the sixth version of our site we wanted to take advantage of the complete technological revamp and use some interesting Web 2.0 techniques to show off our content," enthuses Technical Director Jason Cartwright.

"Firstly, tagging is used to allow quick navigation of relevant content - we've already got tens of thousands of tags, with hundreds more being added every day. Then we allow the user to join the conversation on almost any page by allowing comments on stories, tags, games, platforms or just letting them start their own thread like a normal forum."

Luke Guttridge, Content Director, adds: "My favourite new feature are the videos - we now place videos inline as well as presenting increasing amounts of next-gen videos in full 720p HD quality."

Stay-tuned for more big news from as the winter evenings draw-in.

For more information, please contact:

Luke Guttridge, Content Director

+44 (0) 207 1938840

About is a London-based consumer-facing games website that covers the latest gaming mores with coverage updated throughout the day, every day. is wholly-owned by Ferrago Ltd, a privately-owned web publisher.

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