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Phil Harrison and Robin Kaminsky join Gaikai board

Ex-Sony and Activision execs back David Perry's cloud-based streaming service

Cloud-based streaming service Gaikai has announced that industry veterans Phil Harrison and Robin Kaminsky are to serve on the company's advisory board.

Harrison is currently general partner at London Venture Partners, but is best known in the industry for his 15 years at Sony, latterly as president of Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios. He is also the former president of Atari and a former member of the board of the Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences (AIAS).

"I've known Phil for most of my career and watched him help build the global PlayStation brand from scratch," said David Perry, CEO of Gaikai. "As we build our open, cloud platform for all games companies to use, we believe Phil's input and perspective will be very valuable."

"Gaikai combines an excellent technology, an innovative business model with an equally impressive team of smart people," said Harrison. "I look forward to contributing to the advisory board and helping the company realise its vision of the future of digital entertainment through the cloud."

Kaminsky is currently CEO of 1st Street Partners and executive-in-residence at Rustic Canyon Ventures. Previously she was executive vice president at Activision, where she oversaw brands such as Call of Duty and Guitar Hero.

"The first use of Gaikai's open cloud is to disrupt how video game advertising works today. Instead of paying to move people around on the Internet, our Web partners can bring state-of-the-art games directly to the players on their websites. The cost of getting people to experience the latest video games will plummet. We greatly value the advice and input of Robin as we roll out this new service," said Perry.

"Gaikai is changing the way players interact and discover games. I am thrilled to play a role in building Gaikai and to be there to help David fulfil his vision for frictionless, streaming gaming experiences delivered to hundreds of millions of players around the world," commented Kaminsky.

The beta version of the Gaikai service is currently available in 12 different countries worldwide, with Perry's eventual aim to have a data centre in every major city.

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