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ParaWorld goes online

All the Info regarding the RTS Hit now in the Internet

As of today, there is a new Must-See Site for Real-time Strategy Games on the Internet: provides extensive information and condensed knowledge about the sensational new PC game, which is due for release in the Spring of 2006.

Heusenstamm, 24 October 2005. With the launch of the official ParaWorld Website (URL:, SUNFLOWERS, a leading provider of Computer Games for the Interactive Entertainment market, specialized in the Strategy Genre, marks the beginning of the PR and Marketing offensive for the RTS Hit expected for Spring 2006. Part of this campaign is a "HandsOn-Tour", allowing Journalists to gain first-hand experience of the game as well as an initial impression of the exciting primeval setting for the first time. Over the next months, a number of further promotional activities will be aimed mainly at retailers and end users.

The official internet presence of ParaWorld was designed with an emphasis on detail and user-friendliness. It is meant for RTS games freaks and rookies alike. The latter are provided with a simple introduction to all the essential information by way of a pre-defined micro site, which includes an illustrated story as well as explanations as to the Gameplay and the official ParaWorld Trailer. Various Screenshots provide an insight into the detailed prehistoric world and the plethora of creatures.

Once they have entered the main site, experienced gamers will certainly appreciate the in-depth information about units, buildings and beasts. Regular updates will continuously add to this information. The Download Section already offers a large choice of Screenshots, Artwork and Wallpapers.

Special emphasis was put on the Community Area, which already provides a list of existing Fansites. Die-hard fans can download a kit which will enable them to create their own ParaWorld Fansite. A Forum and a substantial FAQ section will provide help when looking for technical information and a platform for requests as well as suggestions as to the structure of the game. Furthermore, a Ticket System offers users the opportunity to get in touch with the SUNFLOWERS Support team. End Users can be automatically kept up-to-date about the latest developments and most recent Updates by subscribing to the ParaWorld Newsletter.

In order to satisfy the needs of Users outside German-speaking countries and to foster the international expansion of SUNFLOWERS, the Website is available in English, German, and French right from the start. Further localized content can be implemented at any given time.

"The Launch of the official ParaWorld Website represents the beginning of a Marketing Campaign which will continuously provide further highlights until the release of the game in the Spring of 2006", promises Carsten Bickhoff, SUNFLOWERS Marketing Manager. "All promotional activities reflect our general approach, which is to provide games of the highest quality standards and maximum gaming fun. Both factors play a central role in the website, too, and should ensure that interested parties and gamers alike will feel included in the information flow. "


SUNFLOWERS is a leading producer of computer games specializing in the "Strategy" genre. The two Development Strategy Hits 1602 A.D. and 1503 A.D. sold more than 4.2 Million copies world-wide and are to this day undisputedly the most successful PC games that ever emerged from German-speaking countries. Since the company, based in Heusenstamm near Offenbach, was founded by Adi Boiko and Wilhelm Hamrozi in 1993, the name SUNFLOWERS has been synonymous with the development of extraordinary games with an emphasis on gaming fun. It's the company's mission to address and delight hardcore and occasional gamers alike with its wide variety of products.

All projects are realized in close cooperation with associated development studios. Aside from the implementation of the latest industry standards, the company's main focus is on extensive quality assurance. Each game goes through a six-month testing phase, during which its operation, functionality and reliability are thoroughly checked by experts and laymen alike. With the release of the titles "ParaWorld" (Real-time Strategy) and "1701 A.D." (Development Strategy) in 2006, SUNFLOWERS will create the basis for its planned international expansion. Distribution will be conducted through exclusive commercial partnerships. In Europe, this part of operations was taken on by KOCH Media (Headquarters in Planegg near Munich) in May 2005.

For more information about SUNFLOWERS, go to:

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