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Ontario to invest further in skills, training and networking

Three programmes set to focus on videogames will be given $605,000

Ontario, Canada, has unveiled three new programmes designed to expand the support on offer in the areas of skills, training and investor networking, to be run by Interactive Ontario.

In total the province will be putting CAD 605,000 (GBP 343,000) into the schemes, which it is hoped will create new jobs and generate increased investment in the region.

The three programmes are as follows:

  • ONtheEdge, a training curriculum targeting videogame entrepreneurs to provide them with business skills tailored for the industry.
  • GamesID will provide market intelligence, marketing and promotional support to videogame companies by disseminating industry research and information and seeking domestic and international partnerships.
  • The Ontario Video Game and Digital Media Investor Network, which is designed to connect videogame and digital media developers with Canadian and international investors.

"We are proud to support Interactive Ontario in delivering these important programmes. Ontario's digital media sector is growing quickly, and shows even greater growth potential," said Sandra Pupatello, Minister of Economic Development and Trade. "As a government, we are committed to working with the industry to generate investment and create high-value jobs for Ontarians."

And Ian Kelso, president and CEO of Interactive Ontario, added: "These programmes will provide Ontario video game companies with the support they need to reach their business goals. The province's videogame industry is amazingly vibrant and growing.

"With the convergence of highly creative companies, world-class schools, top-tier talent, and the continued support of the Government of Ontario, this province has very quickly become one of the fastest growing in the games industry."

This news is the latest in a series of high profile announcements from Ontario, which also revealed the establishment of an 800-person Ubisoft studio earlier in the year.

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