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New York Videogame Critics Circle - New York Videogame Critics Blog

Journalists launch blog for journalists.

The New York Videogame Critics Circle launched a landmark Wordpress blog today:

It launches with a first-of-its-kind series for videogame journalists. The five-part series tells writers who haven't been paid everything they need to know about getting their money. The series even suggests (if the rare occasion arises) when a writer should go to court to collect fees.

The WordPress blog will serve many purposes.

1) It will serve as a forum for New York's videogame writers to share their experiences and tips about the process of writing and dealing with the videogame industry.

2) It will not review games in the traditional way. Instead, it will look at games from a transmedia point of view. How do games make you feel about culture and the way we live now? When Nintendo holds an event at the Whitney Museum, what does it mean for the arts?

3) When we do review games beyond transmedia, these will be the games that have been overlooked or rarely reviewed. 

And here's what's next. Our next series will be a look at the movies of the last few years that should have been games. But why were they were over looked?

The blog will also seek videogame-oriented stories and anecdotes from game developers, celebrities, movie makers, literary writers and industry marketing people.

If you'd like to write for the blog, contact Harold Goldberg at the link provided on the New York Videogame Critics Circle blog. 

The New York Videogame Critics Circle was founded by Harold Goldberg, the author All Your Base Are Belong to Us, How 50 Years of Videogames Conquered Popular Culture, 

a narrative history of video games by Harold Goldberg, coming on April 5, 2011 from Random House. Members of the Critics Circle include writers for Time/Techland, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Daily News, G4TV, UGO, MTV Multiplayer, Joystiq and others.

If you would like to quote one of our writers for a story you are writing, please contact: 

U.S. Contact: Dana Whitney: dana

European Contact: Audra McGiver: 

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