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New Mobile Suit Gundam tops Japanese chart

While Diablo III settles for second place

The might of Blizzard turned out to be no match for Namco Bandai in Japan this week, as Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme VS. Full Boost arrived at the top of the software chart selling almost 230,000 more than Diablo III at two.

  1. [PS3] Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme VS. Full Boost - 269,940 (New entry)
  2. [PS3] Diablo III - 41,727 (New entry)
  3. [3DS] Kirby: Triple Deluxe - 39,166 (Lifetime sales - 392,457)
  4. [PSV] Disgaea 4 Return - 33,749 (New entry)
  5. [PS3] Sengoku Basara 4 - 30,202 (206,515)

Life on the hardware charts was much more sedate with all the consoles maintaining last week's positions.

  1. 3DS XL - 26,042 (Last week - 26,484)
  2. PlayStation Vita - 20,457 (21,498)
  3. PlayStation 3 - 14,100 (13,360)
  4. 3DS - 11,420 (11,745)
  5. Wii U - 8,072 (8,490)
  6. PSP - 3,366 (3,428)
  7. PlayStation Vita TV - 1,789 (1,792)
  8. Xbox 360 - 260 (260)

Charts collated by Media Create and published by Gematsu.

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Rachel Weber is the Managing Editor of, and regular contributor to
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