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New Podcast now available!

The latest in our series of regular podcasts is available for your listening pleasure now - featuring the site staff discussing some of the big issues to hit the industry in recent weeks, including the closure of importer Lik-Sang, the financial results recently reported by Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony, and the future of games events in the UK.

You can also hear excerpts from our interviews with David Doak of Free Radical Design and Oddworld Inhabitants' Lorne Lanning in the podcast - and get a sneak preview of what features are coming up on GI in the coming weeks.

As ever, the podcast is written and presented by editor Ellie Gibson, deputy editor Matt Martin, and podcast producer Rob Fahey.

You can get the podcast either using our RSS feed - which will automatically update you when we post new episodes - or by directly downloading the MP3 file. iTunes users can subscribe from within iTunes by selecting the "Subscribe to Podcast..." option under the "Advanced" menu, and pasting in our RSS address:

A quick note to apologise in advance for slightly dodgy audio quality in parts of this podcast - we're aware of the problem and will have fixed it by the time we record our next episode!

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Rob Fahey avatar
Rob Fahey: Rob Fahey is a former editor of who spent several years living in Japan and probably still has a mint condition Dreamcast Samba de Amigo set.