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Netflix denies expansion to other consoles

Despite 'gaming platforms' job opening, Netflix is exclusive to 360 "for now"

Netflix has denied recent rumours that the company's digital video service will be expanding to game consoles other than the Xbox 360.

In a statement made to, Netflix vice president of corporate communications Steve Swasey said "For now, Netflix streaming on game consoles is exclusively on the Xbox 360 - and it's a terrific hit."

Swasey did not necessarily deny the possibility of the service appearing on other game consoles, saying that "Netflix is always looking for ways to grow the service."

Rumors that Netflix was moving its service to new consoles began earlier this week, when a job listing was posted for the position of engineering leader - gaming platforms. The listing described the ideal candidate as having "years of experience both building and leading the development of games on the current generation gaming consoles," and that candidates should "expect to help build a small technology team to rapidly prototype and iterate on a variety of platforms."

The Netflix service on the Xbox 360 has been an undeniable success, with Netflix touting that over 1 million users having watched over 1.5 billion minutes of video since the service launched in November of last year.

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