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Moshi Monsters magazine in UK top 30

Mind Candy tie-in magazine hits 227,958 circulation

Mind Candy's Moshi Monsters Magazine is now the 26th top selling magazine in the UK in the Newstrade and Single Copy Sales category.

The figures published by the Audit Bureau of Circulations represent the six months from January to June, and put Moshi Monsters Magazine at 227,958. That's a growth of more than 100 per cent on last year and a rise of 34 per cent since February.

The magazine is created by Mind Candy in collaboration with Skyjack Publishing.

"It's another phenomenal ABC result for Moshi Monsters Magazine and one that shows that the title continues to reach an even larger audience with each issue," said MD of Skyjack, Matt Yeo.

"The ongoing challenge has always been to create the most exciting, involving and entertaining kids' magazine in an increasingly competitive market. We intend to carry on building on the success of today's figure and take Moshi Monsters Magazine to even greater heights."

"It's a huge achievement and we're immensely proud given the challenging market," added co-editor Emma Munro Smith

"These latest figures show that if the content is appealing enough, kids will continue to engage with magazines."

The Moshi Monsters Magazine launched in February 2011.

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Rachel Weber is the Managing Editor of, and regular contributor to
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