Moore scotches "conspiracy theories" over Xbox 360 shortage
Microsoft VP Peter Moore has made scathing comments about the "conspiracy theories" over the potential shortage of Xbox 360 consoles on the impending launch day, saying that the company is trying to supply as many units as possible.
Microsoft VP Peter Moore has made scathing comments about the "conspiracy theories" over the potential shortage of Xbox 360 consoles on the impending launch day, saying that the company is trying to supply as many units as possible.
Speaking to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Moore - one of the key architects behind the new platform and its global launch - gave short shrift to the concept floated by some commentators that the launch shortages are being manufactured to make demand for the console appear higher.
"I've seen all of the conspiracy theories," he said. "Somewhere in Roswell, New Mexico, we have a hangar where were stockpiling it, creating false shortages. No.... It's ridiculous. We are trying to get as many units to retail as we possibly can."
However, Moore admitted that many consumers will probably be disappointed on the launch date, not least because some retailers have overestimated their allocation of consoles and taken preorders for too many units.
While the notion that Microsoft is deliberately manufacturing the shortage of consoles has become surprisingly widespread, a rather less interesting but more truthful explanation lies in the firm's decision to launch the system worldwide within the space of a few weeks - a first for the console industry.
This strategy, while it has proven popular with publishers and consumers alike, means that the number of units which will be shipped in each territory is severely restricted. Despite this, Microsoft's approach is almost certainly the right one - as Sony, who delayed the launch of the PSP in Europe by nine months after the Japanese launch due to supply issues and were faced with a massive volume of importing of the device as a result, can probably attest.
"When the dust settles, it will be proven to be the right thing," Moore told the Seattle Post-Intelligencer regarding the global launch, "and it will become the default way that you launch a videogame console in our industry."