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Modern Warfare 3 was UK's best-selling game in 2011

Three years in a row for Call of Duty series as country's most popular

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 has been named as the best selling game in the UK for 2011, making it three years in a row in which the series has been the country's most popular.

Black Ops took first place in 2010 and Modern Warfare 2 in 2009.

The annual chart, compiled by GFK Chart-Track and UKIE, doesn't list specific unit numbers, but reiterates that MW3 took an astonishing £83 million in its first week on sale - a week which set a new UK record for UK video game revenues at £121 million total.

In second place was EA's FIFA 12, with the publisher's Battlefield 3 coming third. In fourth was Zumba Fitness, hitting the top of the all-format charts for thirteen weeks in total, and ruling Wii specific chart for an incredible 28 weeks straight.

Skyrim's fifth place gave publisher Bethesda its most successful UK title of all time, whilst Ubisoft took sixth and seventh with Just Dance 3 and Assassin's Creed: Revelations.

In eighth was L.A. Noire, followed by Saints Row: The Third and Batman: Arkham City.

"In a year when overall consumer spending was down, the launch of so many high-quality titles showed that there was still strength in the UK's boxed-product games market," said new UKIE CEO Jo Twist.

"However, whilst the boxed product market still remains a key revenue stream, digital is where much future growth lies and it is therefore vital that we understand the size of this market. UKIE's Digital Charts, launching this year, will be a step towards measuring digital revenues. I'd urge all games developers and publishers who want to get involved in creating these charts to join UKIE's digital group."

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