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Modern Warfare 2 sets new entertainment records with sales of $550 million

Title shatters previous box office and game records; MW2 is "pop culture phenomenon," says Kotick

Modern Warfare 2 has shattered entertainment sales records to become the biggest launch in history, according to Activision figures just released.

With a five-day worldwide sell through that has grossed USD 550 million, the game has beat all previous first and five-day entertainment box office, book and game records.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince held the record for the highest grossing film over five days, making USD 394 million. And Grand Theft Auto IV was previously the biggest selling game, with sales totalling USD 500 million over its first five days.

"In just five days of sell through, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare has become the largest entertainment launch in history and a pop culture phenomenon," said Activision CEO Bobby Kotick.

"The title's success redefines entertainment as million of consumers have chosen to play Modern Warfare 2 at unprecedented levels rather than engage in other forms of media."

Additionally, Microsoft released Xbox Live stats for the title, revealing that more than 5.2 million multiplayer hours were notched up in its first day alone.

On the same day, 360 users also unlocked more than 11 million achievements.

Despite the game's massive success though, Activision added it remained cautious about the US and global economy going forward and that consumer spending remains a "significant concern".

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