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Mobile marketeer becomes games publisher

Chilibite Games focussed on independent developers for iOS and Android

Chilibite, formerly a marketing and PR company, has relaunched itself as a mobile games publisher.

"We're very excited about the launch of our new business and bringing our first two titles to gamers all over the world. We strongly believe that our special way of working with developers and distribution partners will lead to a long-term, fruitful collaboration," said co-founder Nea Bautista Wiberg.

It will publish iOS and Android titles from independent developers, and has so far signed two titles, playerthree's Stunt Bunnies Circus and Codigames' The Mordis.

In its incarnation the company had provided its mobile marketing services to developer Polarbit and Flirtomatic. Now it plans to translate that experience into "UI, UX, gameplay, and monetisation model" support for its clients.

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Rachel Weber is the Managing Editor of, and regular contributor to
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