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Microsoft announces Xbox 360 Hour Tour for UK gamers

Giving UK gamers a real taste of the next generation, Microsoft has confirmed the location and dates for its forthcoming Xbox 360 Hour Tour, which begins in Glasgow, ahead of the 2nd December UK launch.

Microsoft has confirmed the location and dates for its forthcoming Xbox 360 Hour Tour, which kicks off in Scotland this month ahead of the next-generation console's December 2 launch.

The first event will take place at The Lighthouse in Glasgow from November 4-6, and will be open to the public from 10am to 6pm. Attendees will be allocated a 30 minute gaming session on launch titles including Kameo: Elements of Power, Project Gotham Racing 3 and the highly anticipated Perfect Dark Zero.

Because Microsoft wants to promote the media and online benefits of the new console, demonstrations of its music, marketplace and multimedia functionality will also be provided.

From Glasgow, the tour heads down to The Old Library in Birmingham for November 11-13, hitting The Custard Factory in Leeds from the 18th-20th and culminating in a four-day event at London's Mercer Street Studios on November 25-28.

Microsoft's head of marketing for Xbox, Stephen McGill, commented: "This is a great opportunity for people around the country to put the Xbox 360 through it's paces and judge first hand whether it lives up to their expectations. We're confident gamers will be impressed with the innovation in graphics, animation and gameplay but the Xbox 360 also has loads to offer non gamers so we'll be showing the music and entertainment capabilities too."

"We're delighted to kick off the tour in Scotland and give Glaswegians the first taste of the next generation of gaming," he added.

The Xbox 360 is the first next-generation console to hit market, and its launch will mark the first time any console manufacturer has attempted a tri-continent release just weeks apart. The company originally intended to offer a simultaneous launch, but opted for a staggered approach due to the logistical issues involved.

The new console will launch in the US on November 22, hitting Europe on December 2 and Japan on December 10. Nintendo has recently hinted that it could follow suit and opt for a tri-continent launch for the new Revolution console. Sony has yet to reveal launch plans for the PlayStation 3.

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