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Mamba Games

New adventure brand 'Odyssia' unveiled, with sixteen new games due for release by the end of next year.

ODYSSIA is a new gaming brand aimed towards adventure game lovers on PC and console. Specialising in high quality products sourced from developers globally ODYSSIA sets a new benchmark for Adventure games with 16 new products released by the end of 2010.

Continuing the growth of ODYSSIA in September 2009 a new designated digital download portal will be available to consumers wanting the very best of adventure games with an immense sense of value for money. Working with publishers around the world to promote their adventure games the website will give the community and one stop shop for the very best of Adventure games either via digital download or full boxed versions.

Jason Codd of Mamba Games explains why Mamba feel there is a market for an Adventure specific brand and his hopes for the first two releases in the series.

”We have researched the market thoroughly and the demand for new and exciting adventure products is really high so the “ODYSSIA” brand will breathe new IP and new products into the market place which has been stale for a long time. We are carefully selecting quality adventure products to be within the “Odyssia” brand and we are really excited about the launch. The feedback we have from retail has been terrific and with the digital download portal been released in September we are confident that the brand will become and instant success”

The first two releases under the Odyssia label will be Outcry and The Void – both developed by Bit Composer who were part of the developing team for S.T.A.L.K.E.R the international acclaimed release from last year.

Both titles are due for release on the 25th of September 2009 and both released for PC.

Outcry is an adventure game based amongst breath taking environments created in photorealistic detail – set to a haunting soundtrack and effects the scene is set to discover the boundaries between dreams and reality, as the player delves deep into their subconscious to confront their innermost fears.

Release date: 25th September / RRP: £19.99 – review copies are now available.

For more screens , demos and review copies please contact

The second of the two releases is The Void: The game is set in the Void a place where mortal’s souls go before death – a middle earth of life and death. The player has a chance to survive the Void sparing their soul and even their life- the tool they have to do this is The Colour. The Colour is the only food for the dying souls in The Void, every soul feeds off it and every soul is desperately struggling for every drop they can find, as this is the only means to save their souls and return to mortal life. The player needs to use their wit and fast thinking to determine the colours needed to escape the realms of The Void.

Release date: 25th September / RRP £19.99 – review copies are now available

For more screens , demos and review copies please contact

Mamba Games will be announcing the second phrase of adventure games within the Odyssia brand in the coming weeks along with the rest of their Q4 catalogue.

Mamba Games is due to announce details on the Odyssia digital download portal in the coming weeks making games from past and present across the globe more accessible for adventure gaming fans world wide.


For sales contact:

For screeners, demos and review copies please contact:

Any distribution enquiries please Mr. Robert Neilson:

For publishing opportunities please contact: Mr. Jason Codd:

About Mamba Games

Mamba Games is a new multi-platform games publisher with a focused team boasting over 40 years of experience. Mamba Games first product release is the award winning ‘The Lost Crown: A Ghost Hunting Adventure’ developed by Darkling Room. Working with independent developers around the world Mamba Games is always looking for new innovative products on all platforms and asks developers with quality products to contact them.

About Bit Composers:

BitComposer Games is an independent publisher of PC and computer games with its head office in Eschborn near Frankfurt, Germany. bitComposer Games was founded in March 2009, and its experienced core team focuses on the international commercialization of promising titles.

Along with the classic PC, console and handheld platforms, bitComposer Games is forging ahead in the area of digital distribution and browser gaming to anticipate the imminent market shift in this sector.

bitComposer Games works closely with expert development and service teams worldwide to develop in-house projects, licensed titles and commissioned productions.

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