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Luigi and Nintendo 3DS on top in Japan

3DS XL outsells Vita, Luigi's Mansion sells 110,000

Nintendo is again dominating the software and hardware charts in Japan, with the 3DS XL moving into first place ahead of PlayStation Vita, and Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon hanging on at the top of the software chart for a second week.

  1. 3DS XL - 38,442 (Last week - 40,924)
  2. PlayStation Vita - 31,795 (41,073)
  3. 3DS - 28,538 (35,629)
  4. Wii U - 22,829 (11,398)
  5. PlayStation 3 - 19,069 (22,942)
  6. PSP - 12,594 (12,690)
  7. Wii - 1,858 (1,720)
  8. Xbox 360 - 598 (610)

Animal Crossing: New Leaf might have slipped to third, but has now sold almost 3 million copies.

  1. [3DS] Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon - 110,840 (Lifetime sales - 390,991)
  2. [PSP] Fate/Extra CCC - 72,883 (New entry)
  3. [3DS] Animal Crossing: New Leaf - 57,835 (2,976,228)
  4. [PS3] One Piece: Pirate Warriors 2 - 56,457 (331,082)
  5. [PSV] Muramasa Rebirth - 45,660 (New entry)

Charts collated by Media Create, courtesy of Gematsu.

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Rachel Weber is the Managing Editor of, and regular contributor to
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