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Lost and Damned DLC sets new XBL record

UPDATE: GTA IV game add-on sells more than 323,000 copies in first two weeks in US

Grand Theft Auto IV's downloadable game add-on, The Lost and Damned, which was exclusively available on the Xbox 360 platform as part of an agreement between Microsoft and Rockstar, has broken the world record for day one sales on Xbox Live.

Microsoft didn't reveal specific numbers, however*, and given the popularity of the GTA franchise it was a fair assumption that it would sell well.

The corporation did reveal that its Xbox 360 sales were up by 53 per cent on last year's number, with its figure of 391,000 beating PlayStation 3 numbers, but losing out to the Nintendo Wii.

In a release Microsoft also revealed that its console had re-taken the third party sales lead, with publishers making USD 162 million on the Xbox 360 throughout February, while the overall attach rate now sits at 8.2.

*UPDATE: According to an interview on Gamasutra, Microsoft's Xbox 360 product management director Aaron Greenberg noted that The Lost and Damned "would have outsold Killzone 2" in February, although the site also points out that Killzone 2 would have only been on sale for a few days in that month, while Lost and Damned was available for around two weeks.

Killzone 2 sold 323,000 units in February, according to the latest NPD data, meaning that Lost and Damned sold at least that in its first two weeks on sale in the US.

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