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Livingstone: UK government's approach to industry is "madness"

Eidos' creative director bemoans the views on the local videogames sector, calling for more support

The UK government views the region's local games industry as "the red-headed stepchild of the creative industries", according to Ian Livingstone, creative director and head of acquisitions at Eidos.

Livingstone expressed dismay at the lack of action being taken by the UK to protect its industry from unfair competition coming from countries like Canada and certain states in the US. He told the Guardian that much of the problem was down to the Government's opinion of the games industry.

"Canada saw games as a clear opportunity to invest in the future, as traditional manufacturing was disappearing, and made a conscious decision to invest in games," he explained. "The difference between there and here is that our government clearly sees any state support as a handout, not an investment."

"It seems to me the UK government would rather see our great industry go into decline than help it maintain its prominent position in the world, and that is madness."

"We're still seen as the red-headed stepchild of the creative industries, one notch up from pornography in the eyes of most of the establishment," Livingstone added. "They forget that half of the world and half of the UK's population play games. Games help define who we are as human beings – they are as important, culturally and socially, as music and films."

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