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Lightspeed Studios appoints Sony veteran as vice president of PC and console publishing

Michael Pattison was previously CEO of Team17, held senior positions at THQ and Capcom

Lightspeed Studios has appointed industry veteran Michael Pattison as vice president of its publishing division for PC and console.

As reported by Game Developer, Pattison has over two decades of experience in the industry, having worked in senior positions at THQ and Capcom before becoming leading third party publishing, developer relations, and global marketing at Sony Interactive Entertainment in 2013.

He left SIE in 2021, and was appointed CEO of Team17 in 2021 for two years. After Pattison's departure from Team17, he worked in consulting before his appointment at Lightspeed Studios.

"[Pattison's hiring] is invaluable as we continue to innovate and create exceptional game experiences for our players on a global scale," said Lightspeed vice president Steve C. Martin.

Lightspeed Studios is currently working on The Last Sentinel, an open world AAA title which is being developed by its Lightspeed LA team led by Rockstar veteran Steve Martin.

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Sophie McEvoy: Sophie McEvoy is a Staff Writer at She is based in Hampshire and has been a gaming & entertainment journalist since 2018.
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