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Kinect Fun Labs revealed onstage at E3

Collection of tools and toys for motion sensing-camera

Microsoft has demonstrated a collection of tools and toys for Kinect entitled Kinect Fun Labs onstage at E3, revealing that the experience is available on XBL right now.

Included in the package are a full body and face scanning avatar system called Kinect Me, which enables players to grab their image and convert it to an avatar, including clothing.

When demonstrated on-stage, the image appeared almost instantly, processing for a matter of seconds before appearing.

Following that was Kinect Sparkler, which enables long-awaited finger-tracking to allow users to 'paint' in 3D, leaving glittering trails as they go.

Finally, Microsoft unveiled Googly Eyes, the actualisation of one of the properties first demonstrated in Microsoft's E3 presentation last year: object capture.

Holding a stuffed toy up to the Kinect camera, a representative of MS studio Good Science scanned in the toy, where it was converted into a 3D model on-screen, which was then animated via the user's movements.

Summarising the announcements, Kudo Tsunoda revealed that the Kinect Funlabs package is available for download as of now.

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