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Keep Australian PSN offline says security expert

Calls made for Japanese-style intervention as PSN returns in region

The PlayStation Network should not go back online until authorised by the Australian government, claims an online security expert.

Sony's online features began to get back to normal over the weekend, with Australian users seeing a return to services on Monday.

However, in Japan the service has been blocked pending government appeal - something Professor Bill Caelli believes should also be the case in Australia.

"Why is it that in the IT industry enterprises certify themselves?" said Caelli to newspaper The Australian.

Caelli complains that the public has, "no way of assessing the assurances given by the owners of the system themselves".

Australian privacy commissioner Timothy Pilgrim has been in contact with Sony, but his investigation is reported to be ongoing, as he considers whether the commission needs more information.

At the outbreak of the security crisis the Australian federal government announced plans for a law forcing companies to disclose privacy breaches, although it was unclear when it might come into effect.

"Sony isn't alone. We've seen serious privacy-related incidents in recent months involving other large companies," said privacy minister Brendan O'Connor at the time. "All companies that collect customers' personal information must ensure that the information is safe and secure from misuse."

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