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Kalypso Media appoints new strategic advisor

Jürgen Goeldner joins Tropico publisher from Square Enix

Kalypso Media is pleased to announce the appointment of Jürgen Goeldner as Strategic Advisor. Goeldner is an internationally experienced manager and games entrepreneur, having last served at Square Enix, and being involved in worldwide success stories across the gaming industry throughout his career. Goeldner will be working closely with Kalypso Media co-founder and Global Managing Director Simon Hellwig in fields as diverse as branding, platfoms, strategy and expansion as Kalypso looks to expand its operations on a global scale.

Over the last 10 years, Kalypso Media has developed from a two-man company into a highly successful, globally active publisher with almost 100 employees, double-digit million sales an operating across seven publishing locations worldwide. Founder and Global Managing Director Simon Hellwig is committed to continuing this course and believes that the appointment of Jürgen Goeldner, one of the most experienced managers the German games business has to offer, will only strengthen Kalypso's position as it prepares for an exciting future as new titles and IPs are brought to market across PC and console platforms.

"With Jürgen Goeldner, I have an experienced sparring partner who can help me with the strategic and operational orientation of Kalypso and whose network will give us access to new cooperation partners and new IPs," explains Simon Hellwig, Global Managing Director of Kalypso Media Group GmbH.

"For me, Kalypso Media is a 'hidden gem' and has enormous growth potential that is ready to be nurtured and developed." adds Goeldner, "I am therefore very pleased to be able to accompany Simon Hellwig on this journey and to make my contribution towards Kalypso's continued growth as an advisor."

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