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Japanese hardware sales continue slump

DS sales lead week as consoles move declining unit numbers

Japanese hardware sales continue to decline across the board for the week ended January 25, according to data provided by Media Create.

Once again the DSi led the charge with 51,618 units, down from 62,525, and when combined with 13,676 DS Lite sales, Nintendo's handheld platform hit 65,294 units, compared to 81,334 units the previous week.

Sony's PlayStation Portable followed with 38,280 units, down from 42,559 units, while Nintendo's Wii led the home console sales with 26,770 units - compared to 32,333 the week before.

PlayStation 3 sales also fell from 20,690 units to 17,708, with the Xbox 360 trailing behind at 7663 units, from 9576, just outpacing Sony's PlayStation 2 at 5007 units, from 5760.

Japanese hardware chart follows:

  • DSi 51,618
  • DSL 13,676
  • PSP 38,280
  • WII 26,770
  • PS3 17,708
  • 360 7,663
  • PS2 5,007

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