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Japanese console sales fall

Cross-platform drop in the number of unit sales follows recent jump

Console sales fell across the board in the Japanese hardware sales charts for the week ended August 24, according to data provided by Media Create.

Handhelds still dominated the market, with the Nintendo DS taking the top spot by selling 55,995 units, down from 78,666 units last week, and the Sony PlayStation Portable selling 47,604 units, also down from the previous week's 64,413 units.

The Nintendo Wii also saw a fall in console sales, reaching 35,173 units this week, down from 53,036. Sony's PlayStation 3 sold 9020 units, compared to last week's 11,393.

Meanwhile, the PlayStation 2 and Xbox 360 suffered similar losses at 8420 units sold, down from 10,168, and 3555 units sold, down from 7358, respectively.

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